AMA recap — SnakeCity & CryptoPredator

Snake City
27 min readMay 20, 2022


Part 01: Introduction

Q: Hello and good day to everyone who is tuning in here at Crypto Predator. This is gonna be your host for today’s AMA — CH. As mentioned, we’re gonna be having another exciting AMA, this time with snake city. And from the snake city team, we’ve got Daniel — snct’s representative. How are you guys today?

A: Yeah thank you so much for the introduction. This is Daniel from the SNCT team. It’s our pleasure speaking with you guys today.

Q: It’s our pleasure having you guys here as well. Okay so Daniel, I guess hmmm just like that. How are you doing today?

A: I’m doing well. Actually this week is quite, you know, busy for us because we are preparing a lot of things together. As it was scheduled, we will release the game and do the NFT sales right after the IDO. And the IDO is coming to Avalaunch so you know, there are a lot of things to do at the moment. Because we’re quite different from other projects that have a lot of events in their roadmap with a long schedule. They do IDO first, and then the game happens around 4 or 3 months, even 6 months later. But for us, we are doing differently as we will have the game right after the IDO, so we have to make sure everything runs smoothly before the IDO.

Q: I can only imagine how much development you guys have under the project, because this is not just some normal project in the crypto space. This is like the actual game and in crypto space development takes a lot for a normal project and way more if it’s for a game.

A: That’s true

Q: Exactly, and given also the market tradition, it’s been extra stressful for all of us, the past weekend has been… oh man

A: I think, in our community, most people at the moment are talking about the bear market, they are talking about Luna or UST right?

Q: Oh luna, yeah.

A: But we focus on building. The market condition is really important for every crypto project. But when we’re talking about the long term and the long run, definitely with the project that we’ve run several years, definitely we need to go through the bear and bull market. That’s why we don’t care much about the bear market. We still get steady and ready to launch.

Q: That’s the kind of mind that we have. This is a cycle. The bear market that we are going through right now, we’re not gonna always be up, we’re gonna be down now. But the thing is crypto never stops, development never stops. We all are gonna make it, somehow. Okay I guess it’s just about time for you to introduce yourself, Daniel. So with that being said, can you tell us a little bit more about yourself, Daniel. And perhaps, also some of the team members, the core team members that you work with. Give a little background on your crypto journey as well.

A: Yes, sure. Our team has a lot of years working on many projects in the technology industry and especially in the blockchain field. I’m the organizer of the blockchain here in Vietnam. From our team, we have experience working at a start-up company in Singapore. We bought crypto punk just at $100 just before it lifts to $100000. And we worked in the nft space quite early, in 2019. I and the team all learn to create a fam, and we want to create a game that is really easy to play and that’s why we decided to build snake city with the concept that is really familiar with a lot of people. That is the snake concept. It brings a lot of memories back to people with the snake in the Nokia game, do you remember that? In high school or in… And all the people when we talk when we tell them about it, they are really excited. That is the concept that we are focusing on, easy for people to approach. We target a mass audience and everyone can play that rather than needing to take hours and hours to read the rules and know how to play something like that. In Snake City, we designed for people to quickly play. I’m pretty sure that you guys only take 3 or 4 seconds and you would know exactly how to play.

Q: Exactly, I mean if I’m not mistaken, it’s like the very first mobile game I’ve ever played. I was pretty much a kid when it first started. But you know the concept, it’s easy. Move the snake you have to like 4 buttons to control and easy as you said, no need for explanation. As you mentioned, maybe it takes you a few seconds for you to know the rules, you’ll just need to know how to control. And it’s pretty much it and what’s really interesting about the concept and the game is that it is a play to earn game.

A: Actually, we’re more like Play and Learn game. When talking about Gamefi I can say that I myself play a lot of gamefi projects and also traditional projects. We think that the most important thing in the traditional game is totally different from a game in the blockchain field. So what’s the difference? When we’re working on the gamefi, we need to balance our game. First, we have to balance between game and fi. If we focus much on fi, like click to earn in a lot of card games now, it means that all the results are fixed in the back end. Because for example, you have an nft hero and I have an nft hero. Your nft hero has more power with higher Rarity to compare with me I have a lower nft hero. There is no way I can beat you but because the result is fixed in the background already so people just click and wait for the result. It’s not a game. So we balance it with a skill-based game. It means that you have higher rarity and you have more advantages compared with me but I still have a chance to kill you because I have much better game skill. So in the gamefi, we need to balance the game’s experience of the gamers and also the finance so as I said that we have a Play and Learn. It’s not like play to earn.

Q: That’s a lot better being said because a lot of games nowadays are way more to win, as that’s what they call it. You can’t win no matter how good you are at the game nowadays. If that person is richer and can buy better items than you are, you don’t stand a chance. That’s really unfair for a lot of people and gamers don’t like to lose. We play to win.

A: When we talked about the target audience — gamers in the blockchain gamefi, to compare with the gamers in the traditional games, the behaviors are also different. The people joining the blockchain game, most of them expect something like a reward, a return on investment. We need to be transparent on that. That’s why when we design the game in the blockchain space, we need to really understand the behaviors of gamers. They don’t have time to play the game for hours and hours. I’m pretty sure that’s why Snake City we configured the game into short sessions. It’s skills based and it’s still balanced. So they can play whenever they have time during the work break, when we’re waiting for the train or anytime. Just one minute to play one turn. So that’s why I think designing the game in the blockchain space is much more difficult than in the traditional game.

Q: Nowadays, games and gamfi in crypto space, in general, are much taken for granted. Games are there to make you feel entertained but if you’d just do this sort of thing everyday for hours just to earn money, it’s not fun anymore. And the thing is if you need to do the task every day it is really tiring and boring in a way. But the fact that you mentioned that we can play whenever we want without any consequences of not playing it one day. It’s pretty chill and comfortable to play. And that’s how games are supposed to be played. We are going to relax. With that being said we’ve touched on how gamefi and how things in snct goes, I wanted to touch more on how the game actually works. Can you tell us a bit more about Snake City as a game itself?

A: In the snake city we are inspired by a very famous game which is Slither.IO or recently we have a snake.IO or or little big snake.IO but they are traditional games. Snake city brings a lot of game modes for the users with a total of six game modes. The first game mode is the free zone people joining the game without investment so they are training and know how to play. And we have a training mode. They can join in the game and play with the computer to get familiar with the game. We have an arena battle mode in which they play with others in a pool to share the reward. We also have the tournament with a concept that is similar to poker. Winner will take the pool. The final game mode is very interesting, which is sponsored events. Because we don’t want to limit Snake City only in our ecosystem. We want to expand a partnership with a lot of crypto projects and even other gamefi projects and we create the map and the characters based on our partners. So we put our partner’s NFT and tokens on the map. So the gamers and the players have a chance to not only earn $SNCT which is the snake City’s tokens but also have a chance to earn other crypto projects’ tokens and other nfts in snake City game. So we diversify the reward for the gamers and it also helps others to limit the inflation. I can talk more about inflation later. By that kind of game mode, we bring more fun and rewards for the users when they play snake city.

Q: Wow, that’s really interesting. This is probably the first time I’ve heard of this concept in gamefi. These rewards are not just gonna be the native tokens but are so from other kinds of tokens as well. You guys are really smart to pull out because what usually happens in gamefi is that if they reward that users with their own native tokens people are going to sell that native token as their salary or some sort. But given that you’re going to give them the reward of different nft as well will make the ecosystem of snct more stable.

A: That’s correct. For example, in the Avax ecosystem in Trader Joe, we’re designing the Joe snake, Joe nft and Joe tokens in our map so the gamers will know they are rewarded by Joe’s team. It’s an interesting model because we can partner with a lot of crypto and nft projects in the crypto space. Snake city is not only about the gamefi we can also become the promotion platform for other crypto projects to join in.

Q: The thing is you are going to get the nfts if you are lucky enough. As a snake you play, if you’re lucky enough to eat the nft shards, you’re going to get it in your wallet.

A: That’s true.

Q: In terms of earning tokens other than the native tokens, how does that work? How will you be able to gain rewards from other crypto currencies?

A: It’s really simple. We have many game modes. They just join the game mode. In the game mode they play with the computer they need to make sure that they need to achieve a minimum point. And when you achieve the minimum point you win. And based on the points that you earn, we’ll convert them into the rewards in token. Also, we have arena battle in which we let gamers play against each other. We reward them according to the leaderboard everyday.

Q: So okay the biggest rewards are in the arena battle while playing the game.

A: Yeah if you join the sponsored event which is really big. Top 1 winner can get a very big reward.

Q: Let’s carry on step by step. But I guess that’s the key part of it. I also want to ask what would be the requirements to join the game. Do I have to own or buy any nft? Do I need a specific wallet? Tell me more about that.

A: At the moment, we’ll have the training mode about to be released. In the next quarter, we have the Free Zones mode but it’s not available at the moment because we are doing something more special in the free zone mode. But basically, when you join in the training mode or other game modes, you’ll need to buy nfts. The difference of snct from other games is that we release very limited nfts because we have fusing and breeding features. And we don’t sell our nfts by avax or stable coins, but by our tokens like others. We sell nft with our tokens. That means the nft sale happens right after the IDO. It’s only 630. People buying the egg nft will open the eggs to get snakes. They can earn a snake from rarity 1 to rarity 5. But every snake has different designs. The market will be available at that time so people can sell and buy eggs or snakes on the marketplace as well.

Q: From what I understand, you’ll need an NFT in order to play.

A: Yes, at the moment, you need an NFT to play but in the next quarter, when the Free Zone mode is ready, we’ll have campaigns monthly. So people can receive free eggs in the free zone mode. But the kind of reward is not ready at the moment yet. In this quarter you still need to own NFT to join the game. Free zone mode is also very limited because you need to compete with a lot of people to win to get the rewards.

Q: So basically, I’m glad that you have that kind of part that is not inclusive only to the people with an NFT. So you have this free zone mode for anyone who doesn’t have an NFT. Am I correct?

A: Yes, in freezone mode, everyone can play

Q: But that’s super limited. You just have 630 NFTs so it’s a pretty limited number of people in other gamemodes. I can tell if you are able to win in the free zone mode, a lot of people will fight to get nft.

A: We have a huge demand at the moment. A lot of people are asking us: “can we have 100 please?” To be honest, I really don’t want to bring a fare to anyone. Though we definitely have the function to support the guild, okay so basically all that if these are there anyway we give a chance to everybody.

Q: Are there any whitelists when it comes to getting NFT? Is there gonna be any priority for anyone to get NFT? Like when you launch the projects and NFTs, whoever gets the nft first, buys the nfts first, are the only one who is gonna get it.

A: We have a whitelist round for the nfts after the IDO. We’ll soon have a game contest in the snct and the top leaderboard will receive the whitelist spots to buy the nfts and the whitelist round is 30 minutes and we put 50% of the nfts for the whitelist. For the public round it’s also 50% of nfts. People can join and buy the nfts to play the game.

Q: Exactly at the game launch the nfts will be released as well. There are no airdrops. You’ll only be able to mint the nfts in the sale period, as you’ve mentioned. No where else will you be able to get the nfts. I love the exclusivity of this. You need to get in line. I love how fair you are and that’s for everyone in the community. Okay, with that being said how much is it gonna cost for mint for the NFT and this is like an egg right so it’s random. How much does it cost to get an egg?

A: Yes, it’s hard. it’s based on the price of our tokens

Q: How about the approximate value?

A: It’s around 300 us dollars. that’s why it’s very good if you guys go to avalaunch and join in ido. because in that way you can make sure you have the tokens ready at the public price. And you go to our website after the IDO joins in buying the nft and because tokens after the IDO may have some change, like pump or increase in price, it can lead to more expensive NFTs. We create very limited (NFTs) so you guys can think about your own strategy to own the nfts.

Q: They’re gonna be available in the marketplace.

A: Exactly, the marketplace is also ready at the moment. You can buy it or sell it in the marketplace.

Q: Okay, that’s amazing then. We’ve pretty much discussed everything within the gameplay and how the tokens and the nft go so it’s about time for us to go to the tokenomics of their project. So can you tell us more on how the tokenomics of SNCT works?

A: Sure we’ve got the tokenomics that I think we create is quite standard. We have references from a lot of projects. Because in snake city we are backed by avalab, it is avalanche’s foundation, we’ve got investment from them. We create the tokenomics that’s really standard and focuses on the long run. All the tokens from the team’s advisers for 1 year and investing 5 years. We also could release at TGE for a private round. It’s quite a long time and also only 5% is released at TGE. We’re also putting in the gaming reward and marketing. It’s a reasonable percentage with the staking rewards as well. When we talk about tokenomics, it’s important to develop the project. Because if we design the tokenomics wrongly, we put a lot of releases in the first TGE, it will experience a dump, especially for the private investors. The thing is, Snct is funded by Avalabs. It means that our main investor is a foundation. That’s why we are much better. It’s not only about the marketing, branding and partnership but also the pump and dump of the investors. They are small pieces.

Q: Definitely this helps a lot. Have you done any private sales? Can you tell us about the presale that is going to be happening?

A: The private sale is already done. Our main investors are Avalabs, Avalanche foundation, Avatar Ventures, and also SL2, … We are very selective. A lot of crypto projects have 2 directions at the moment. First one is that they try to sell everything they have to make sure they have money first. But it’s a problem for that project to run in the long term because when you sell too much, you’ll lose control of the project and your tokens are everywhere. We’re not sure of the reactions of the people buying your tokens, especially if they are small pieces to be honest. When checking the portfolio of the project, please go to their partner and backer to see who’s their main partner. If they are more of small pieces, it’s more risky. The other direction for projects, like Snake city, I’m pretty sure if there are a lot of projects also going in that direction. We’re very selective about partners joining in our project. Because the capital in the blockchain space is not something difficult to happen. In terms of gamefi or interesting games, if we’re easy to sell to everybody, that’s the problem. If we sell it at the standard percentage,… In finance or blockchain they have a standard with all the sales less than 21%. If any projects are more than that, it’s more risky.

Q: You definitely did your research. So I’m figuring out how to get good tokenomics. Especially with the private sale investors, they’re definitely selling maybe half, maybe all of their backs at launch. Because they’re going to see the money go up a lot. In private sales they’ve got priority, they’ve got the token with less price. The problem of a lot of projects is that they open the private sale mainly to everyone. I love that you hand pick only the one who is gonna be investing in your project. You told me there’s gonna be actual partners like companies or groups. They are not just random people. You need to be very picky about that.

A: That’s true. The vesting is very important in tokenomics I can say. In snake city we do the best thing. It’s different from the projects doing monthly vesting. If they do that, all the crypto is released at the same time, in a month on a specific date. But we do daily vesting so the investors separate it every time. And also in the daily vesting, we have a claim bottle. When people join in the claim bottle to claim the tokens. Right after that we have a staking button and other NFT buttons. Because it is daily vesting, people receive a small amount, they’re more like: “Hey, why don’t we try to buy something? It’s so small so let’s go staking.” Something like that. It should be smart to do the tokenomics in a way we deal with the vc [?] investors. It’s my experience on that.

Q: So daily investing. Daily, little by little, the coins will be released. If it is daily, people don’t have much time. Of course they’re gonna be receiving just a small amount of tokens. For one day, it’s not gonna be much. It’s gonna make them more active, instead of dumping the project all in one go.

A: They need to be with us for 2 years. The vesting for the team is 5 years. That’s why we commit to go with the project in the long run.

Q: 5 years of commitment? Wow, that takes a lot of trust in the project. That shows that they have trust in the team to let you hold their money for 5 years. That’s definitely some bullish thing if they go [?] about the project. I guess we’ve just covered pretty much everything. And the presale date? When is it happening?

A: We will do IDO in Avalaunch on 23rd May. To be honest, when we’re talking about this month, our partners (ask us) “Hey Daniel, are you sure you’re launching this month? Because this seems like…

Q: Yeah, they’re gonna be worried, like why are you launching at this bear market. So you are 100% sure? As far as we know right now, you’re gonna be launching at that bear market.

A: We’re 100% sure. I believe in the long run because to be honest, it is my personality. I bought the first crypto tokens in 2017 and I haven’t sold anything. I’ll still keep holding.

Q: Oh man. 2017? How much was Bitcoin then?

A: Yeah, the first Bitcoin. I bought it for $3000.

Q: $3000 for a Bitcoin and you still keep holding that.

A: In the long run, we don’t care much about the bear or the bull because it’s a cycle like I’ve mentioned. I myself experienced the bear market in 2018, 2019 and early 2020. I still feel like it’s normal in crypto space.

Q: I think blockchain in general is gonna be the future of finance. Hopefully I’m right about that. But I strongly believe that, so no matter how much the market dips. As you mentioned, we believe in the long run. I think if you launch in the bear market, it just gives you more potential to raise in price if the market slowly goes up.

A: To be honest, when I was talking with the Avalaunch team, (there were) no projects in May, only Snake city.

Q: You’re the only brave team to challenge the bear market by launching this month. So, hats off. We expect you guys as much as we believe in the project.

A: Thank you

Q: I guess it’s just about time for us to ask the community for some questions. Daniel, are you ready to answer some community questions?

A: Yes, I’d love to answer the questions from the community. Please feel free to ask me anything.

Q: That’s great so for everyone here within the VCVC, the floor is open now for community questions. So if you have any questions, feel free to raise your hands over the VC and if you’re not able to speak on the VC, you can just ask questions on the main chat. Just a reminder, the questions in VC will be prioritized. So let’s get the first question from Matt. Matt, you’re allowed to ask your question.

Part 02: QnA with members

Q1: My question is does the game open rooms or we can just play in battles? Can we discover other planets with our snakes?

Q: I think it’s about the overall concept of the game. So is it just gonna focus on battling each other’s snakes, killing or can we just explore the world where the snakes are located?

A: It’s more like a battle game where you need to go on the map and kill other snakes. Definitely, when you kill other snakes, you have food to eat and more rewards to earn. I hope that answers the question. The reason behind the snake city’s name is that we designed maps in many cities. For example, for the Indonesian community, we have a Kajakta map there. And snake heroes in that city eat food and kill others. I think the interesting thing about the game is that it’s easy to design the characters. It’s about the snakes. We have skinny snakes right. People can buy a lot of skins with (different) colors and flags for example. Also we can design a lot of things in the map with the trees and the snakes going around the city. Basically, it’s a battle game where you need to kill other snakes.

Q: Okay Matt, hopefully that answered your question. We’re gonna go on to the next question. We got Moonchild, you’re allowed to speak.

A: You’re asking about the skin and the in-game items right? We’re ready to sell it in our game store. It’s not something you need to buy, but in some game mode it is the thing that qualifies you to buy a ticket. We have a team vs. team mode with people from Indonesia fighting with people from the Philippines for example. What they need to buy is, to join the Indonesia team, Indonesian skin. You need to buy Philippines skin as well to join its team and battle. Some people just buy skin with their favorite colors and patterns. It makes the game more interesting. In-game items are the same. In-game items make the snakes more powerful when joining the battle. So they have more advantages joining in arena battles, because in-game items are only applied for arena battles game mode.

Q: I’m gonna skip over because we have several questions. We have several raised hands in the VC. I can see the amount of hype we’ve got for this project. A lot of people are asking about the game. We’re gonna work with the limited time so as much as I can, I wanna get a lot of questions in this AMA. So I’ve got a question here from the chat that I’ve read. The question is “Do you think the game would be suitable for people who don’t have much time to play? Is it gonna be profitable in a way if a person only has time for 1 hour per day to play?

A: That’s a nice question. That’s exactly what snake city focuses on, that is the gamers with the mass target audience and not full-time gamers I can say. They only have 30 minutes a day to play. So the game should be fun and simple for them. (It is) designed into short sessions and easy to play. One turn is only 1 minute and they have about 3, up to 4 turns per snake a play. So it takes only 5 minutes to play as a whole, for training mode. When people join in arena battle, each turn will be 5 minutes and they have 2 turns per day. That would be 10 minutes. So all game modes take you around 30 minutes a day to play. We create it very simple to play with the simple UI UX and game mechanics as well. Like I mentioned previously, we’ve already researched the behaviors of the gamers of gamefi. They really don’t want to play a game (that is) really complex that takes 1 or 2 hours to play, or maybe 4 hours in other games. A lot of things to research and study to make snake city different. We focus on the mass audience.

Q: That’s amazing. In some games, they require you to play for 4 hours straight, maybe more if you want to earn more. The thing about that game is that you just click, click, click without anyone’s challenge. It gets really boring, it starts to feel like a job instead of a game. I’m glad that you’re focusing more on just one hour a day and you can profit. That’s definitely an amazing thing to have in this game. Let’s have another question here.

Q3: What makes you confident that your project will be successful and profit the investors? Thank you so much.

Q: I think the question is like what we were talking about earlier. So given that the market has rehabbed now it’s bear, what insurance can you give your potential investors so would be your investors that even if they invest here right now, in bear market it still do good in the long run

A: I think that when talking about crypto, we need to be straightforward about the cycle. This year and its bull and even at the moment we think it’s bear, I’m not sure if it’s bear or not. It’s always a chance for people who believe in crypto and believe in the future. And for snake city I’m not the person who’s like “hey let’s go here. I’m pretty sure that it is a great project” or something like that. For us, we try to do the best for the game, the best for the community and we aim for the long run. And before you invest in anything please research carefully regarding its project community, the backers and partners, the team behind the mechanism that they are doing. In snake city, we have some mechanism to protect our communities. We use 70% of the nft sales and any other revenue streams we burn the tokens and we add the liquid for the ingame tokens. When we do that, some investors ask us “Hey Daniel, why do you burn the ingame token, why don’t you burn the native token?” The thing is we balance the ingame token with the native token. The investors, I mean, a lot of them online care about the government token and native token because they are investment right. But in snake city we protect the gamers, and we are doing differently. We protect gamers and we protect investors with our commitment in the long run. And also when the game is doing in a good way and we have a good community and people, we build loyalty in our game and we step by step increase. That’s why we only sell 630. The reason is also that we can control much better in those communities to make sure they’re happy to join in the game. After that, we’ll be ready to explore and expand our community more. I can say that that is what snct is doing. so you guys please… Before you invest in anything, make sure that you have enough information about the project that you’re going to invest in. And next snake city we have a long road map. We have a long commitment with the community and what we’re doing and even like we had a lot of events if you follow us on our social channel from the day one we’ve got into Twitter and telegram at the moment. And we keep doing it and we keep going in that way, we protect our community and that’s our vision and mission.

Q: That is a really beautiful answer. A lot of project owners are going to be like “buy into this project, we’re gonna make x10, x100, x1000.” That’s the best way to put it. No, they’re not over promise, just do your best. That means not much expectation then yeah you’re going to make more people happy if you just do what you’re doing right and do not over promise. It shows how you act and interact with your community and that’s amazing. Let’s move on to the next question. I guess we have time for 1 or 2 more questions before we start wrapping up. We have someone asking already.

Q4: My question is regarding your game itself, can your game solve real life problems like improving cognitive ability? So when you come to real life what problems can it solve?

A: Thanks for the question you’re asking about the problem with the GameFi at the moment. Is that correct?

Q4: I said when it comes to solving real life problems, what real-life problems can the game solve, and are there some positive effects of playing games which are improving cognitive ability or fasten decision making? What can it solve in real life?

A: So you’re asking why you should play our game, is that correct?

Q: Okay Daniel. I think I kinda get it. Basically the question is gonna be like your project, other being a game will have any real world impact in reality, not just in the crypto space. Will it have some sort of positive effects or anything?

A: I got it. Is it a real world impact, right? I think that in our project, we focus on the game with short sessions and it’s a skill-based game. When talking about skill-based games, there’re more emotions for the gamers, because in skill-based games sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. We also configure the short sessions, we don’t need people (to play) 1 hour 4 hours per day because I’m pretty sure they are busy. In a day, you have a lot of other tasks to do. Snake city is a really relaxing game. You can join in with other gamers and play games with other friends. Also earning mechanisms as well, and a lot of lucky boxes and gifts that we put in the game so the gamers have more experiences when they join the game. So I think the most that we bring for the community and the world is that we’ve got the relaxing task for people playing snake city. They don’t need to spend much time. They just need to relax when they play the game. Earning is also the second part.

Q4: Thank you so much

Q: That’s good. Okay, I guess we have time for one last question. Let me get it, I’m just gonna pick randomly. Let’s get hmm Smoky, you’re allowed to ask a question.

Q5: How many nfts do I need to start playing?

A: Got it. Regarding NFTs, we have some deals on that so we have 15 levels. So the more you play the more experiences that you accumulate with nft and you’ll have the highest level to 15. We have the rarity of nft, like the class, and we have 5 classes of 5 rarities from Rarity 1 to Rarity 5. We also have a snake Lord because snake lords are the highest. We create the function and snake lords can become the kill leader in our game. Because they can lead the team and play in the team and they can have a trophy sharing from the team. So they can have a profit sharing from the snake city ecosystem and the rarity is from 1 to 5 so we have the snake lord. You only need to buy 1 nft to join in the game. you don’t need to own many other nfts. Just one nft is enough for you to play the game. When you play the game you accumulate the exp for the nft to have more levels for your hero. The more levels, the more power you have in the nft and you have more chances to earn more rewards and have more advantages joining in Arena Battle. That is the nft ecosystem.

Q: Smoky, thank you so much for your question and wonderfully answered as always Daniel.

A: Thank you. I hope that my answer isn’t smoky…

Q: And even quite amazing answers in the question so far, every question Daniel. I’m gonna give you a hats off to that. And as much as I wanted to ask more questions, unfortunately we’re kinda running short in time so for the people here who still have questions while want to ask your questions, I think the best that we can do here is that joining snake city under telegram group I’m sure that a Daniel and other team would be more than happy to answer all of your questions regarding your project.

A: Yeah, sure. Please join our Telegram and discord and leave the questions here, our team would be happy to answer them. Thanks a lot for the questions. I love the questions because it proves that you guys are interested in our project right? So the more questions, I’d be more happy.

Q: Exactly and again, as you’ve answered all wonderfully even by yourself in the AMA that proves the knowledge that you have as the … Are you the owner or the CEO? I sorta forgot what your role here is.

A: I am the CEO of Snake City. You are free to ask me anything on Telegram, just mention my name in that and I’ll check it.

Q: Also to support snake City, please join their telegram group. To wrap up, I just have one last thing to ask you and also for our investors can you give us some short summary on what snake City’s about why people should invest in it

A: I think what makes Snake City unique in the market is because we are one of those skill based games in the snake games that are very simple, everybody can play. You don’t need to take much time to understand how to play the game and short sessions. I can say that we are very near the mainnet and we will release the game this May and its market. I hope that everyone can join in and feel free to give us any feedback we would love to hear and to improve the game. The last point is that we have a long road map for Snake City. You have a chance to own not only snake City tokens but also other crypto projects’ tokens as well.They are very valuable NFT in game modes as well.

Q: It’s amazing having you here, Daniel at Crypto Predator and yeah for me I’m looking forward to the development of this game. I’m sure a lot of people here are quite curious and gonna be quite interested after this AMA. Please don’t forget to support them on the telegram group. If I’m not mistaken the IDO is gonna be on the 23rd or 24th right?

A: 23rd actually.

Q: So that’s pretty much all from me. Daniel, once again, think of you so much. And do you have anything to ask or that’s all?

A: Thank you so much for having me today and asking me a lot of things that make me feel really excited. Thank you so much guys for supporting snake city. Have a nice day then.

Q: You too guys. Daniel, you and the entire team of snake city have a nice day! To everyone who is listening, good day, good night, whichever time zone you are and that’s it for us. Thank you again for tuning in to Crypto Predators.



Snake City
Snake City

Written by Snake City

SnakeCity — Beyond the GameFi

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